I love Science and maths :D This blog i will post random parts of my As levels that will teach you how to do As chemistry, physics and maths :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

What do i think? Stare into the eyes of the person you like and memorize the color. Turn on your ipod and run as far as you can. Say hi to a stranger. You never know what they’ll become for you. Have a mental health day – you know you need it. Don’t go on facebook for a day and see what you can accomplish. Give money to a charity, your good karma will come around eventually. Sneak out, you might get caught, but it’ll be 100% worth it. Tell that one person that you like them, what's the worst that can happen? She doesn't like you back. Then she doesn’t deserve you anyways, right? Treat yourself to something indulgent, you deserve it. Smile at a stranger, it could make their day. Wink, it’s sexy and makes you feel confident, after all, you are pretty hot. Go for somebody who is totally wrong for you, they may not be totally wrong after all. Stand up for yourself, because if you don’t, who will. Moral of the story is you only fucking live once.

Something i enjoyed being told by a friend xD


  1. so true, do what you wanna do all day every day and good things will happen eventually

  2. It's true! We do only live once!

  3. "Wink, it’s sexy and makes you feel confident, after all, you are pretty hot." You go girlfrieeeennnd! :P

  4. this post summed up: LIVE A LITTLE!
    haha good job

  5. nice bit of an uplifting read there.

  6. you're right, I am pretty hot.

  7. nice read, very well written!!

    following! :)

  8. Very insightful ideas. Ill keep it in mind on a crummy day.

  9. Yeah I agree, but some of those things are hard to do!

  10. great post, that is what society needs to do..

  11. That's some little pep talk you got there.

  12. Life really is too short to be miserable! That's why I quit my job, got a motorcycle, and am going back to school for my masters!

  13. You have an amazing philosophy

  14. Take your car and run over tables and chairs at sidewalk cafés!

    Wat, no good?

  15. i do like the idea of this post you have to live your life

  16. Haha I never go on facebook =P Check out my new blog, puzzledyet.blogspot.com if you haven't already!

  17. This is the stuff that builds character.
